
Double ice coffee mocha? no thankyou

I bought myself a double icecoffee mocha.. and it tasted like shit.. My throat is srly burning xD too much!  that was all i was able to drink ._. and now I feel like shit xI 

something i sketched up yesterday.. Only with a pen c:  so it looks weird some places..


I have no idea why I made it on the middle of my arm.. Its impossible to see the whole thing


its not easy being a werewolf

Enkel perspektivtegningish av enda en varulv :3


well.. here´s my first attempt on making a dragon in sculptris XD... the dragon looks ok. but what the hell was I doing while saving this picture? why is he standing so far to the left.. lawl
oh well.. 
Im gonna try to make another one now :)


second attempt :'3


the new sketch of tonight c:

I know what I want for christmas.

i made two sketches last night.. I have a thing for drawing in red now.. The  wolf looks a bit retarded..



This weekend ive had a manga course down on the big outland store in Oslo. It was really fun and I met lots of new people :) 
After the course I ended up in some guy´s apartment on the floor eating pizza with 10 other people.. I really dont know. But it was really nice :3
After the meetup I went to my boyfriends consert ^3^ They were awesome as usual :3

Today woke up around 5 am because molly had to poop .__. so I stood in the rain while she was pooping.. geez.. then I woke up around 11 and ate some cheez doodles for breakfast. 

Now im waiting for the dinner to get ready aaand im gonna watch " alt for norge" on the tv. 


Today im staying at my boyfriends house c: And while I was waiting for ugly betty to begin... I decided to take some pictures xD

:D heh